日常英语口语学习 英语搭讪开场白




    他正在看地铁地图:Excuse me! Can I help you find your stop?

    她站在街上,看上去迷路了:Excuse me! Could I help you find something?

    他在派对上,你刚好想要去拿饮料:I’m going to get another drink. Do youwant anything?

    他在和别人交流,但存在语言障碍:Hi! Could I help you translate?

    她手上拿了很多东西:Excuse me, could I help you with that?


    他穿了一双有特色的鞋子:Wow, I really like your shoes! Where did you get them?

    她穿了一件漂亮的裙子:I just love that dress! Did you buy it in China?

    他在用很酷的相机拍照:That's a cool camera.  Are you a professional?

    她的头发又长又卷:Sorry to bother you, but I really like your hair! Do you do it yourself?

    他正在看一本你了解的书:Oh! Excuse me. That’s a really great book! May I ask, what do you think of it?

    他说了一些中文:Excuse me, I just heard you speaking Chinese. It’s pretty good! Could I ask, how long have you been in China?


    天气很好:Man, the weather is really good today. Do you work around here?

    地铁很挤:Man, it's so crowded today. Do you take this route often?

    在看球赛:This is a good game. Who are you rooting for?

    附近正发生一件有趣的事情:Wow, did you see that? What is he doing?


