儿童英语绕口令大全 绕口令英语 口语训练好方法



    儿童英语绕口令大全   绕口令英语

    儿童英语绕口令:ONE ONE

    One-One was a racehorse;

    Two-Two was one, too.

    When One-One won one race,

    Two-Two won one, too.


    儿童英语绕口令:One To Ten

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

    I caught a hare alive;

    6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

    I let her go again.


    儿童英语绕口令:See See!

    See, see! What shall I see?

    A horse's head where his tail should be.


    儿童英语绕口令:Play Days

    How many days has my baby to play?

    Saturday, Sunday, Monday,

    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

    Saturday, Sunday, Monday.


    儿童英语绕口令:I Cannot Bear

    I cannot bear to see a bear Bear down upon a hare.

    When bare of hair he strips the hare,

    Right there I cry, "Forbear!"


    儿童英语绕口令:Whether the Weather

    Whether the weather be fine,
    Or whether the weather be not,

    Whether the weather be cold,

    Or whether the weather be hot,

    We'll weather the weather,

    Whatever the whether,

    Whether we like it or not.


